Aid is available through different forms of contact:
Direct contact with your family health team (family physician or nurse);
Direct contact with teams specialized in addictive behaviours and dependencies on your Regional Health Administration - the Integrated Response Centers. At this Integrated Response Centers, Alcoholology Units, Withdrawal Units and Therapeutic Communities, you'll get help from the health technicians who can guide you to find the most appropriate solution for your situation.
What should you do:
Read about substance abuse problems from trusted and reliable sources;
If you want help, contact Linha Vida SOS drogas (Helpline SOS Drugs) or seek help directly from your family health team or the Integrated Response Center in your residence area;
Offer your support: talk to your family member about your concerns, offer help and support, including your willingness to accompany your family member in seeking help;
Express your love and concern: do not wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom; he may be faced with denial, excuses and anger; be prepared to respond accordingly;
Do not wait for the person to stop their consumption without help;
Support your family member's recovery as an ongoing process: continue to offer help after starting treatment.
What should you avoid:
Don't preach: don't teach, threaten, bribe or moralize;
Don't be a martyr: avoid emotional appeals that only increase feelings of guilt and compulsion for drinking or using other substances;
Do not cover-up, lie or apologize for his behaviour;
Do not assume your family member's responsibilities: this unduly protects him from the consequences of his behaviour;
Do not argue while he is under the influence of the substance: at this time, he cannot have a rational conversation;
Do not feel guilty or responsible for his behaviour; it's not your fault;
Don't join him: don't try to accompany him by also abusing substances.